

Welcome to the amazing world of Otilia Mihalcea and her dreamlike jewelry and accessories label OVAL.


“Neotectonics of Myth” is the latest OVAL collection of rings, earrings, bracelets and brooches made in gold and silver to be unveiled in London in the ‘Found Lost Found’ exhibition, curated by David Sandu Jewelry, as part of ‘Fashion Utopias’, the British Council and British Fashion Council’s International Fashion Showcase 2016 in association with London Fashion Week.

“Neotectonics of Myth” by OVAL:

"Although extrovert in shape and structure, the collection performs a silent meditation by rejecting any trace of idealism about history.
Strata after strata peeled off from the legendary mountain, the core translated into jewelry pulsating energies hidden for centuries.
Once the vein of any piece of gold, bronze or copper, the internal dialogue with nature is now imperceptible as every surface has been eroded and re-imagined, re-shaped and polished into abstract.
When nature is just a myth that draws the neotectonics."

The showcase is happening as part of the Fashion Utopias program at:

Somerset House
19 – 23 February 2016
Daily 10.00-18.00 (last entry 17.15)
West Wing Galleries, West Wing
Admission is free but pre-registration advised: https://billetto.co.uk/fashion-utopias-international-fashion-showcase-2016

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